Saturday, March 5, 2011

How to ride a horse in show jumping

How to ride a horse in show jumping

Show jumping, or jumper, this course is designed to test the ability of horse and rider to ride accurate but fast. Barriers can include vertical jump, jump spread and combinations of two and three with many twists and turns and changes direction. Judging by the time required to complete the course and how much, if any, obstacles knocked down in the course. Show Jumping at the highest level is known as the Grand Prix but fun for anyone at all levels to rise. local shows will offer courses that combine the fence at a height significantly lower. The key to doing well is to ride it without pulling down every rail and in the time period allowed. If two or more drivers are in the time permitted and do not have a rail down, they will jump courses, abbreviated determined and the fastest time would win.

1. Memorize it before you begin your round at the exhibition or at home. Jumping obstacle in wrong order will result in elimination. A good warm-up for your horse is important, so be sure to do this properly so that your horse listening to your help and respond quickly.

2. Keep head and eyes toward each jump; look upward jump is dangerous and will almost always result in a rail knocked down. Your hands should be soft and you should be able to provide additional curb horse needed to stretch his neck over the jump when he tried it.


3. Keep the horse's legs together and decisively so as to encourage the horse to keep moving forward and to keep you safe when you go to jump. Leaving your feet become weak either before or on the jump can lead a horse to stop at the gate or unsafe position on the fence that will not allow for a safe landing.

4. Pay attention to your posture. Your center of gravity must be above the middle of the saddle, not leaning from side to side or front to back. Your position is not being judged in this competition, but you can not jump safely with bad posture. Show jumper must jump big, bold and fast, so a good rider is practiced is a must.

5. The purpose of your horse jump toward the middle of each and can shorten or lengthen stride to reach the correct take-off spot.


You will receive a penalty for pulling down the barrier rail, went over the allotted time and if your horse refuses to jump the fence the first time. Three rejection in the path will result in elimination. A fall of horse or rider will result in elimination. further guidance on the assessment, removal and disqualification can be found on the site United States Equestrian Federation.

Be sure to ride with supervision when jumping, it can be a dangerous sport if done incorrectly.

Your helper in the arena will be able to replace the rail down so you do not have to go down to try again.

Reward your horse to spin properly implemented, whether at home or in-show ring.

Always have adequate supervision.

Always wear protective gear head.

Wear shoes with heels when riding.

Replace fallen fast track so that horses do not accidentally stumble.


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How to ride a horse in show jumping, How to ride a horse for exercise,   How do I ride horses sidesaddle, Learn to ride a Horse, how to ride a horse, learn horse riding