Monday, February 28, 2011

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Bawful After Dark: February 28, 2011

Clippers Lakers Basketball
Free taco-like item excitement?

No time to waste, straight to the bawful!

Worst of the Weekend in Pictures:

"My entire team hates me! Inconceivable!"

"Hmm... What should I do... I better call my bookie and put $5k more on this horse in the 5th..."

Marc Gasol always makes my day 83% better

Bobcats Magic Basketball
Hey! Your name's not Joe! And it's not even Larry! I'm so confused!!

Man, even the Wizards Generals' mascot sucks. Depressing.

Grizzlies Spurs Basketball
"It's okay, Manu. We don't have Portland's training staff. Tony Parker's career isn't over!"

Nationally Televised Games:
Celtics at Jazz, NBA TV, 9pm: You know, even after the trade action, the Celtics are still old. However, on the bright side, they aren't as old and lame as this website. (Seriously, go look at this trainwreck. It's the closest thing I've seen to a Geocities page in awhile. Mind-blowing stuff, people.)

All the Other Games:
Suns at Nyets, 7pm: So the Nyets get Deron Williams to pick apart the Suns defense, and I just read a game preview that referred to the Suns as "surging." Fffffuuuuuuuuu...

Bulls at Wizards Generals, 7pm: Mike Bibby just gave up $6.2 million to not play for Washington. Giving away $6,200,000 to NOT play for a team. I don't even have a joke here. Just crippling depression.

Hawks at Nuggets, 9pm: An OT loss against the Frail Blazers was the first sign of a post-Melo/Billups trade letdown. But I don't know if that will resurface again tonight. I mean, really, the Dirty Birds in their longest road trip of the year? That's not very scary. Friggin' Ghost Ship is scarier than that... Okay, maybe I took that a bit too far. But you get my point.

Clippers at Kings, 10pm: Ah, the eternal battle to see which California club can be more screwed up... Current upper-hand: Clippers.

Pernah Lihat Matahari Tersenyum ? [no hoax & no sotosop]

The Basketbawful Powerless Rankings


1. The Cleveland Cadavers: After snapping their all-time league-worst 26-game losing streak against (of course) the Clippers, the Cadavers have managed to beat both the Lakers and the new-look Knicks. But if The Zombie Survival Guide taught me anything, it's this: Rising from the grave to feed on the living is not the same as returning to life. Especially when you trade for Baron Davis.

2. The Washington Wizards Generals: This was a tough decision. The Nyets and Craptors were pretty deserving of the two spot. But, of the three teams vying for "Second Worst Team in the League" status, the Generals have the worst record (15-43), worst Margin of Victory (-6.9) and, most importantly, the worst road record (1-28). All this despite having number one overall draft pick John Wall.

3. The New Jersey Nyets: I wanted to put the Craptors here. I really did. After all, Toronto is 1.5 games back in the win column. Or is that 1.5 games ahead in the loss column? Semantics aside, the Nyets won (lost?) out due to a slightly worse MOV, a similaly slightly worse MOV, and the fact that they are 0-9 in a division that includes...the Craptors. So far the addition of All-Star point guard Deron Williams has done Jack and Shit. And Jack left town.

4. The Toronto Craptors: The Generals still have Wall. And the Nyets have at least a season and a half of Williams. The Craptors have Andrea Bargnani through 2014-15. And, presumably, prayers for a quick and merciful death.

5. The Minnesota Timberwolves: Kevin Love now has four 30-point/20-rebound games this season. According to ESPN Stats and Information, that ties Shaq and Charles Barkley for the second-most in a single season in the last 25 years. Shaq also had five 30-20 games in 1999-00. K-Love also ranks fourth in Player Efficiency Rating, meaning he's the fourth-best player in the league, right? And yet...the Timberwolves are 14-46 and have a Margin of Victory of -6.0. Something's wrong here.

6. The Sacramento Kings: The Anaheim Kings? Hell, at this point, the Maloof brothers would ship the Kings pretty much anywhere that would make them a quick buck. Here's my radical answer to the problem: The [Insert City Name] Kings! That's right. The Maloofs could offer five-game, 10-game, 15-game and 20-game plans. Any city could host and "own" the Kings for a limited time. Think about it. The Kokomo Kings. The Louisville Kings. The...what?

7. The Detroit Pistons: Let me get this straight: A bunch of overrated, overpaid and/or over-the-hill players staged a walkout on coach John Kuester? Well, then, the coach must be the problem. In possibly related news, at the trade deadline, opposing teams treated Detroit's various contracts like baby poo covered in hazardous toxins and wrapped in terrorists.

8. The Los Angeles Clippers: After a brief "surge," the Clippers have lost 10 of their last 12 games. Despite the ongoing and unquestioned awesomeness of Blake Griffin -- even if his car dunk was contrived and lame -- the Clippers are 22-37 and coached by Vinny Del Negro. In other words: They are who we thought they were. Still. On the bright side, they shipped Baron Davis, his fat contract, and his even fatter ass, to Cleveland. So they have that going for them. Which is nice.

9. The Golden State Warriors: Let's see: They score a lot of points. They give up a lot of points. They lose a lot of games. And we're absolutely, positively sure Don Nelson retired?

10. The Charlotte Bobcats: In case you needed any more evidence that not everything crapped out of Michael Jordan's ass is delicious candy...

11. The Milwaukee Bucks: Remember how much fun it was the Fear the Deer last season? Now the only people who fear them are season ticket holders. Milwaukee ranks dead last in PPG, FGP, eFG% and Offensive Rating. Offensively speaking, they're a D-League team playing with a rock instead of a basketball and dead fish instead of hands. Reminder: Their offseason plan revolved around adding Corey Maggette and Drew Gooden. Think about that. Just think about it.

12. The Utah Jazz: Larry Miller is dead. Jerry Sloan is retired. Carlos Boozer and Deron Williams have been replaced with Al Jefferson and Devin Harris. And Andrei Kirilenko is on the books for nearly $18 million this season. Let's just say that, if we found a compound full of dead Jazz fans and empty Kool-Aid cups, I wouldn't be completely surprised.

13. The Indiana Pacers: Much as it pains me to admit this, Indy's near-miss on O.J. Mayo typifies Larry Bird's tenure as the team's President of Basketall Mismanagement. That Danny Granger and The Misfits might actually make the playoffs is a decent argument that the balance of power hasn't totally shifted eastward.

14. The Atlanta Hawks: Can anybody give me one good reason why the Hawks are anything other than a first round playoff exit waiting to happen? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?

15. The Denver Nuggets: The post-'Melo trade adrenaline is going to wear off. And when it does...

16. The Houston Rockets: This is the perfect place for the Rockets. They keep hovering around .500. They seem to exist only to be a pain in the ass to better teams and a scourge to lesser ones. And that mad statistical genius, Daryl Morey, just traded for Hasheem Thabeet. If there was a trophy for scrappy overachievement, the Rockets would win it, hands down. As it is...

17. The Memphis Grizzlies: Don't buy into them. Don't do it. I'm warning you. Put it this way: How much faith do you feel comfortable putting into a team built on the foundation of Zach Randolph?

18. The Phoenix Suns. Look out. They're surging.

19. The Philadelphia 76ers: Philly managed to sneak back over .500 while nobody was looking (or caring). And, sneaky as you please, the Sixers have won 13 of their past 17 games. And, going further back, they're 27-16 since their 3-13 start. All that said: Look at their roster. Look at it closely. They're not scaring anybody worth scaring.

20. The New York Knicks: Their win over the Heat does not cancel out their loss to the Cadavers. It just doesn't. I mean, would a plate full of crawling insects taste better just because somebody dumped a juicy steak on it?

21. The Portland Frail Blazers: I really have no idea how they're doing it.

22. The New Orleans Hornets: Two words: Fools' Gold.

23. The Oklahoma City Thunder: We know they can score, but the Thunder have been pretty average on defense this season (currently 16th in Defensive Rating). They're hoping Kendrick Perkins can change that. Uh oh! Perk is out two-to-three weeks because of a sprained left knee. But the good news is that the injury wasn't to his surgically-repaired right knee or his surgically repaired left shoulder. Here's another Perkins factoid: He has a higher career turnover percentage (23.0) than Kwame "Stone Hands" Brown (16.8). And Kendrick's career PER (12.9) is barely higher than Kwame's (12.6). Just some thoughts to chew on.

24. The Orlando Magic: When they were counting on significant contributions from Rashard Lewis and Vince Carter, that seemed insane, right? Now they're counting on significant contributions from Gilbert Arenas and Hedo Turkoglu. Can we honestly say things have improved in Orlando?

25. The Dallas Mavericks: They seem so good. So really, really good. Clicking on offense. Clicking on defense. It makes you wonder: How are they going to flame out in the playoffs this year? Because we all know it's going to happen, we just don't know how. Yet.

26. The Los Angeles Lakers: I can hear the bleating of Lakers fans now: "But, but, but we've won four in a row coming out of the All-Star break! Including road games versus the Frail Blazers and Thunder!" Shut the hell up, Lakers fans. It's been exactly 12 days since you lost to the Cadavers.

27. The Boston Celtics: I bet people will stop mocking Danny Ainge when the Thunder buy out Kendrick Perkins and he re-signs with the Celtics for the league minimum. The Boston's gonna sign Troy Murphy, who averaged 14.3 PPG and 11.8 RPG while shooting 45 percent on threes as recently as 2008-09. Then Rasheed Wallace is gonna come back, and rumor has it he's spent the last three months completing the p90x training program. Yeah! Yeah!!

28. The Miami Heat: I know, I know. They keep kicking the absolute living shit out of bad teams, and that's supposed to be the best indicator of future (read that: playoff) success. But they're 1-7 against the league's other elite teams. And despite having two of the best three players on the planet -- both in their prime and playing like MVPs -- they've recently collapsed in crunch time against the Celtics, Bulls and Knicks. The stat geeks keep telling us this won't be a problem in the postseason, so I'm sure everything will be fine.

29. The Chicago Bulls: Their recent wins over the Spurs and Heat are somewhat mitigated by a huge defensive fail in Toronto and the fact that Keith Bogans, against all reason, is still their starting shooting guard.

30. The San Antonio Spurs: Why does it feel like they're still sort of under the radar?

Bonus Bawful: I'm going to post Chris's weekend lacktion report in the comments.

Inilah Kota Sampah Yang Sebenarnya

Kota Manshiyat naser di Mesir ini terkenal sebagai kota sampah dalam arti sebenarnya (Garbage City). Cek gambar di bawah

6 Billboard Raksasa Yang Akan Membuat Anda Tercengang

Billboard² keren yang membuat temen² akan melihatnya dua kali, cekidot ...

1. kolam renang global warming



Tidak, New York tidak di bawah - itu adalah iklan pintar untuk HSBC oleh
Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai agen iklan di India. Bank ingin
meningkatkan kesadaran akan bahaya pemanasan global, sehingga iklan
orang-orang terpaku suatu foto udara dari sebuah gedung pencakar langit
kota ke dasar kolam renang ... efek pemandangan kota tenggelam yang

2. Pizza Crop-Circle



Jika Anda terbang di dalam atau keluar dari Bandar Udara Internasional
Denver, melihat ke luar jendela dan Anda akan melihat sebuah pizza
dipotong menjadi sebuah ladang gandum di dekat Barat 128 Avenue dan Pena
Boulevard. Lingkaran tanaman, dirancang oleh seniman Stan Herd,
merupakan promosi kendaraan untuk Papa John's Pizza.

Lingkaran tanaman pizza luasnya sekitar ukuran enam lapangan sepakbola.

3. Lampu Pos Kopi


Sebagai bagian dari kampanye nasional mempromosikan restoran McDonald,
di pusat kota Vancouver sebuah tiang lampu [6th Avenue di Cambie Street]
menjadi bagian dari ilusi optik, muncul untuk menuangkan kopi ke
cangkir raksasa di Posting sidewalk. Dibungkus vinil cokelat menyerupai
menuangkan kopi.

4. Axe “Kalender”


Sebagai pembungkus asrama siswa perempuan dalam bentuk kalender dan
menggunakan Axe selama satu bulan sepanjang bulan Maret, ditujukan untuk
wanita baru sehingga dapat berekpresi penuh setiap hari, untuk
mempromosikan citra merek dan preferensi untuk Axe.

5. Billboard Berdarah



Ini adalah video dari sebuah billboard di Selandia
Baru yang berdarah saat hujan. Itu sangat menakutkan, tetapi menurut
agen iklan, belum ada kejadian fatal yg terjadi :

6. Let there be xenon

Untuk peluncuran MINI baru, dengan fitur array besar diperbarui, di
antara mereka lebih kuat lampu Bi-Xenon, sebuah MINI dipasang pada sisi
dinding. Lalu lampu 2500 watt diletakkan di atas papan yang menembus
sampai ke tingkat stratosfer terbawah.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ternyata Importir Film Impor Nunggak Pajak 30 M dari Tahun 1995

Importir Film Tunggak Royalti sejak 1995

JAKARTA, — Hasil audit yang dilakukan pemerintah pada
2010 menunjukkan bahwa seluruh importir film menunggak bea masuk atas
hak royalti dan bagi hasil sejak tahun 1995. Atas dasar itu, Direktorat
Jenderal Bea dan Cukai sudah menyampaikan surat tagihan kepada importir
film, tetapi hingga saat ini belum ada penyelesaian.

”Akan tetapi, karena ini menyangkut informasi yang bersifat pribadi pada
perusahaan-perusahaan yang mengimpor film itu, jumlah tunggakan
royaltinya tidak bisa kami publikasikan. Jika mereka (importir) tidak
bersedia membayar, itu hak mereka. Kami menunggu laporan mereka tentang
mengapa tidak setuju dengan tagihan itu,” ujar Direktur Teknis
Kepabeanan Heri Kristiono di Jakarta, Senin (21/2/2011).

Menggunakan aturan WTO

Menurut Heri, tidak ada kebijakan baru atau perubahan tarif bea masuk
atas film impor. Pemerintah masih menggunakan Perjanjian Penilaian
Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO Valuation Agreement). Perjanjian ini
sudah diratifikasi dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1994 dan diadopsi
pada Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1995. Undang-undang tersebut sudah
diubah dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2006 tentang Kepabeanan, yang
mengatur nilai pabean.

”Dalam aturan itu ditegaskan bahwa bea masuk dapat dibebankan pada harga
cetak salinan film yang diedarkan, hak royalti (yang dibayar importir
kepada produsen film di luar negeri), dan bagi hasil (antara importir
film dan produsen film). Itu sudah sesuai dengan WTO Valuation
Agreement,” ujarnya.

Namun, ujar Heri, berdasarkan hasil audit yang dilakukan pada 2010,
diketahui bahwa importir film itu hanya membayar bea masuk berdasarkan
harga cetak salinan film. Sementara bea masuk atas dasar hak royalti dan
bagi hasil sama sekali belum dibayar. Dengan demikian, muncul kurang
bayar (tunggakan) bea masuk atas hak royalti dan bagi hasil sejak tahun

Besar tarif yang diberlakukan dalam penagihan bea masuk, baik atas harga
cetak salinan film, hak royalti, maupun bagi hasil, sebesar 10 persen.
Sementara tarif Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) 10 persen dan tarif Pajak
Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 22 impor sebesar 2,5 persen.

Sementara itu, penataan film di Indonesia dengan menurunkan pajak
produksi film dalam negeri dan menaikkan pajak film impor ditargetkan
selesai dalam satu bulan mendatang. Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata
Jero Wacik menegaskan hal tersebut di sela-sela rapat kerja pemerintah
di Bogor. (OIN/WHY)

sumber : kompas

250 Film Impor Tunggak Rp 30 Miliar

JAKARTA, — Sembilan importir film yang membawa masuk 250
judul ke Indonesia dalam dua tahun terakhir ini menunggak pajak dan bea
masuk Rp 30 miliar, belum termasuk denda. Jumlah tunggakan akan
membengkak karena denda atas keterlambatan pembayarannya bisa mencapai
1.000 persen dari pokok tunggakan.

Menteri Keuangan Agus Martowardojo mengungkapkan hal itu di Jakarta, Kamis (24/2/2011).

Menurut Agus, bagian yang harus diperjelas adalah masalah penetapan
nilai pabean film impor. Selama ini importir hanya menetapkan nilai
pabean atas dasar panjang rol film, yakni 0,43 dollar AS per meter. Itu
yang menjadi dasar pengenaan bea masuk, pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN),
dan pajak penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 22.

Padahal, sebagai sebuah karya cipta, film memiliki keunikan dibandingkan
dengan barang lain. Selain membayar ketiga pungutan tadi, importir film
juga harus memperhitungkan nilai pabean yang didasarkan atas hak
ciptanya, yakni royalti yang dibayarkan kepada produsen film di luar
negeri. Atas dasar ini, importir dikenai lagi bea masuk sebesar 10
persen, PPN 11 persen, dan PPh Pasal 26 sebesar 2,75 persen, atau total
23,75 persen.

”Jika perhitungan pungutan itu hanya didasarkan atas panjangnya rol
film, satu judul film hanya menyetor Rp 13 juta per salinan film.
Padahal, satu film bisa mencapai 60.000 dollar AS,” kata Agus.

Dirjen Bea dan Cukai Kementerian Keuangan Thomas Sugijata mengatakan,
sebelumnya, Badan Pertimbangan Perfilman Nasional melaporkan ada 52
judul film paling laris yang beredar di Indonesia pada periode
2009-2010. Seluruhnya diperbanyak menjadi 1.780 salinan film sehingga
total pembayaran royalti pada periode itu mencapai Rp 570 miliar.

”Namun, dalam audit yang di lakukan, sebenarnya ada 250 judul film yang
masuk, baik yang box office (film laris) maupun film biasa. Hasil audit
menunjukkan adanya tunggakan Rp 30 miliar, belum termasuk dendanya,”
tutur Thomas. (OIN)

sumber : kompas

10 Foto Hewan Menunggangi Hewan

Satu-satunya hal yang kita pikirkan harus naik hewan untuk menunggangi
hewan adalah dengan memperlakukan mereka sebagai budak, tetapi ketika
hewan sendiri yang membawa pelana ke atas hewan lain dan menungganginya
itu benar-benar kicks ass. Serius jika aku melihat pak beruang naik di
jalan raya pada sekelompok singa, jika aku dalam posisi begitu, aku akan
sial jika ngompol dalam celana dan mungkin menabrak tiang telepon atau
kecebur ke dalam parit di jalan raya. Berikut ini adalah kumpulan solid
hewan mengendarai binatang, manis.

Foto Proses Pembuatan Film Spiderman 4


Kabar terbaru bagi pecinta film ‘Spider-Man’, Kirsten Dunst akan kembali
berakting sebagai Mary Jane Watson dalam film Spiderman 4. Hal ini
dipastikan produser film Todd Black kepada harian New York Post. Akan
tetapi pacar Spiderman tersebut akan meninggal di Spider-Man 4
mendatang. juga melaporkan, Peter Parker akan memiliki
kekasih baru yang akan dibintangi oleh pemenang Oscar, Anne Hathaway.
Mary-Jane meninggal akibat terbunuh dalam aksi terbaru Spider-Man nanti.

Black mengimbau agar penonton jangan berharap adanya pernikahan Mary
Jane dan Peter. Di film sebelumnya, pasangan ini justru nyaris berpisah.
Black malah memberikan petunjuk tentang penjahat yang akan dihadapi
oleh manusia laba-laba ini.

Sang produser mengatakan, penjahat berhubungan erat dengan Kota New
York. Pernyataan ini sekaligus menutup rumor yang beredar di dunia maya
yang mengatakan bahwa Morbius atau Vampir Hidup yang akan menjadi lawan
Spidey yang diperankan Tobey McGuire.

Di film sebelumnya, Spiderman bertarung dengan Green Goblin, Dr.
Octopus, Venom, dan Sandman. Dengan pernyataan Black, kemungkinan
karakter yang terpilih adalah bos kriminal New York, Kingpin. Kingpin
pernah muncul di film Daredevil.

Kritikus film Scott Mantz juga berpendapat, Kingpin menjadi pilihan
utamanya sebagai lawan Spidey. Selain itu ia berharap ada tambahan
karakter wanita Black Cat, sebagai bagian mengganggu hubungan Peter
dengan Mary Jane.

Sesaat sebelum shooting dimulai.

Sibuknya proses pembuatan film ini!

Adegan aksi Spider-Man yang pastinya membuat Anda tegang!

Proses shooting adegan aksi yang dilakukan oleh Spider-Man

4 Fatwa Haram Terunik Di Dunia

Di beberapa negara luar juga terkadang muncul fatwa-fatwa haram yang sama uniknya.....

cekidot ajalah

Fatwa Harry Potter

Koran Iran Kayhan (26 Juli 2007) mengkritik
pegawai pemerintah karena membiarkan penjualan buku Harry Potter yang
baru, katanya seri buku ini adalah proyek Zionis dengan tujuan utk
merusak pikiran anak-anak muda. Sebuah fatwa lalu meluncur keluar
mengikuti kritikan tersebut.

Fatwa Pokemon

Komite Tinggi Saudi Arabia utk Riset Sains dan
Hukum Islam menolak karakter kartun Jepang, Pokemon dan melarang video
games serta kartu-kartunya sejak 2001. Mereka mengklaim bahwa pokemon
mendorong perjudian dan jelas-jelas sebuah penyamaran dari tindakan
zionis. Otoritas agama di United Emirat Arab ikut bergabung, mengutuk
game-game yang mempromosikan evolusi, yang mereka sebut teori

Fatwa Suntik Polio

Mullah lokal dipegunungan Pakistan telah
melarang para ibu mendapat suntikan polio bagi anak-anaknya; mereka
mengklaim suntikan itu adalah persekongkolan barat utk mensterilisasi
anak-anak muslim. Fatwa sebaliknya yang menentang fatwa tsb datang dari
sebuah kelompok Islam besar tapi tidak mampu mencegah fatwa dari mullah
lokal tsb. Nigeria juga punya pengalaman yang sama dengan mullah
setempatnya, hasilnya, bukannya mencegah penyebaran penyakit menular,
tapi malah memperluas penyebaran penyakit ini ke 12 negara lain hanya
dalam 18 bulan saja.


Fatwa larangan Sepak Bola (Soccer)

Butuh 36 halaman utk menjelaskan sebuah fatwa yg melarang main bola.
Argumen berpusat pada fakta bahwa permainan tersebut diciptakan oleh
kafir. Fatwa ini didukung oleh hadits nabi yg menyatakan: “Man
tashabbaha biqawmen, fahuwa minhom”, yakni. Dia yg meniru orang lain,
menjadi seperti mereka! (yang ini bener2 konyol )